Welcome to your tool for career exploration and job analysis!
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, developers, researchers, and more!
Find, search, or browse across 900+ occupations based on your goals and needs. Then use comprehensive reports to learn about requirements, characteristics, and available opportunities for your selected occupation.
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Build your future with O*NET OnLine!
Bright Outlook occupations are expected to grow rapidly in the next several years, will have large numbers of job openings, or are new and emerging occupations.
The National Career Clusters® Framework external site serves as an organizing tool for programs, curriculum design and instruction. Career Clusters contain occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. They can help focus plans towards obtaining the necessary knowledge, competencies, and training for success in a particular career pathway.
Hot technologies are software and technology skills frequently included in employer job postings.
Industries are broad groups of businesses or organizations with similar activities, products, or services. Occupations are included based on the percentage of workers employed in that industry.
Job Families are groups of occupations based on work performed, skills, education, training, and credentials.
Job Zones group occupations into one of five categories based on levels of education, experience, and training necessary to perform the occupation.
Occupations are listed that require education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
There are 1,016 occupation titles and codes within the current O*NET system.
Use your job duties to find occupations that perform similar work. The search uses the O*NET database of over 19,000 occupation-specific task statements.
Professional associations are a great source of additional information on jobs, specialties, and industries. They also serve as an excellent starting point for networking in your career of choice. Get seamless access to professional associations by searching the O*NET database of almost 3,000 organizations related to the occupations in the U.S. economy.
Use activities performed across different types of jobs to find occupations. The search uses the O*NET database of over 2,000 detailed work activities performed across a small to moderate number of occupations.
Many employers value workers with soft skills—interpersonal and thinking skills needed to interact successfully with people and to perform efficiently and effectively in the workplace.
Find occupations using your current and/or future soft skills.
Find occupations based on software used on the job. Learn about the technology and related skills needed to successfully perform in today’s world of work.
Our O*NET information portal has data and tools for workforce professionals and developers, including:
- Current O*NET data files
- Interest Profiler
- License agreements
- O*NET Content Model
- O*NET-SOC occupation taxonomy
- References
- Reports and documents
- Web Services
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Employment & Training Administration,
and developed by the National Center for O*NET Development.