How do they match: Chief Executives

  • Correctional Administrator
  • Correctional Agency Director
  • Law Enforcement Director
  • Public Health Director
  • Public Instruction State Superintendent
  • Public Works Commissioner
  • Public Works Director
  • Safety Council Director
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse Assistance Program Administrator
  • Arts and Humanities Council Director
  • Book Publisher
  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Classification and Treatment Director
  • Community Services and Health Education Officer
  • Employment Research and Planning Director
  • Licensing and Registration Director
  • Liquor Stores and Agencies Supervisor
  • Music Publisher
  • Newspaper Publisher
  • Software Publisher
  • Traffic Safety Administrator

  • Determine and formulate policies and provide overall direction of companies or private and public sector organizations within guidelines set up by a board of directors or similar governing body. Plan, direct, or coordinate operational activities at the highest level of management with the help of subordinate executives and staff managers.

  • Conduct or direct investigations or hearings to resolve complaints or violations of laws, or testify at such hearings.
  • Implement corrective action plans to solve organizational or departmental problems.
  • Interpret and explain policies, rules, regulations, or laws to organizations, government or corporate officials, or individuals.
  • Review and analyze legislation, laws, or public policy and recommend changes to promote or support interests of the general population or special groups.

  • Present information to the public.