How do they match: Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers

  • Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers

  • Oil Agent
  • Oil Lease Operator
  • Oil Lease Buyer
  • Land Leases and Rentals Manager
  • Lease Operator
  • Municipal Entity and Venture Institution Entity and Founder

  • Plan, direct, or coordinate the selling, buying, leasing, or governance activities of commercial, industrial, or residential real estate properties. Includes managers of homeowner and condominium associations, rented or leased housing units, buildings, or land (including rights-of-way).

  • Clean common areas, change light bulbs, and make minor property repairs.
  • Direct collection of monthly assessments, rental fees, and deposits and payment of insurance premiums, mortgage, taxes, and incurred operating expenses.
  • Maintain records of sales, rental or usage activity, special permits issued, maintenance and operating costs, or property availability.
  • Manage and oversee operations, maintenance, administration, and improvement of commercial, industrial, or residential properties.
  • Meet with clients to negotiate management and service contracts, determine priorities, and discuss the financial and operational status of properties.
  • Prepare and administer contracts for provision of property services, such as cleaning, maintenance, and security services.

  • Analyze financial records or reports to determine state of operations.
  • Coordinate operational activities with external stakeholders.
  • Direct financial operations.
  • Direct organizational operations, projects, or services.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Negotiate sales or lease agreements for products or services.
  • Perform manual service or maintenance tasks.
  • Prepare operational budgets.
  • Promote products, services, or programs.