How do they match: Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers

  • Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers

  • Market Manager
  • Market Master
  • Market Superintendent
  • Land Leases and Rentals Manager
  • Municipal Entity and Venture Institution Entity and Founder

  • Market vacant space to prospective tenants through leasing agents, advertising, or other methods.
  • Maintain records of sales, rental or usage activity, special permits issued, maintenance and operating costs, or property availability.
  • Negotiate the sale, lease, or development of property and complete or review appropriate documents and forms.
  • Negotiate with government leaders, businesses, special interest representatives, and utility companies to gain support for new projects and to eliminate potential obstacles.
  • Review rents to ensure that they are in line with rental markets.

  • Analyze forecasting data to improve business decisions.
  • Negotiate sales or lease agreements for products or services.