How do they match: Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes

  • Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes

  • Promoter
  • Promotional Agent
  • Promotional Marketing Agent
  • Promotional Representative
  • Boxing Promoter
  • Concert Promoter
  • Event Promoter
  • Media Promoter
  • Music Promoter

  • Represent and promote artists, performers, and athletes in dealings with current or prospective employers. May handle contract negotiation and other business matters for clients.

  • Manage business and financial affairs for clients, such as arranging travel and lodging, selling tickets, and directing marketing and advertising activities.
  • Negotiate with managers, promoters, union officials, and other persons regarding clients' contractual rights and obligations.
  • Schedule promotional or performance engagements for clients.
  • Send samples of clients' work and other promotional material to potential employers to obtain auditions, sponsorships, or endorsement deals.

  • Distribute promotional literature or samples to customers.