How do they match: Environmental Compliance Inspectors

  • Environmental Compliance Inspectors

  • Agricultural Chemicals Inspector
  • Air Permitting and Enforcement Inspector
  • Air Pollution Inspector
  • Authorized Inspector
  • Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Storm Water Inspector
  • Environmental Inspector
  • Environmental Compliance Inspector
  • Environmental Health and Safety Advisor
  • Health Inspector
  • Industrial Waste Inspector
  • Pesticide Control Inspector
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Enforcement Officer
  • Sanitation Inspector
  • State Inspector
  • Water Pollution Control Inspector

  • Inspect and investigate sources of pollution to protect the public and environment and ensure conformance with Federal, State, and local regulations and ordinances.

  • Inspect waste pretreatment, treatment, and disposal facilities and systems for conformance to federal, state, or local regulations.
  • Inform individuals and groups of pollution control regulations and inspection findings, and explain how problems can be corrected.
  • Maintain and repair materials, work sites, and equipment.
  • Prepare, organize, and maintain inspection records.

  • Inspect facilities or equipment to ensure specifications are met.
  • Maintain data in information systems or databases.
  • Maintain electronic equipment.
  • Maintain mechanical equipment.