How do they match: Human Resources Specialists

  • Account Manager
  • Employee Service Officer
  • Employment Service Specialist
  • HR Manager
  • Human Relations Manager
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Job Service Consultant
  • Job Service Specialist
  • Labor Service Representative
  • Labor Services Representative
  • Office Manager
  • Recruitment Manager
  • WIA Career Manager
  • Workforce Services Representative
  • Workforce Investment Act Career Manager

  • Advise management on organizing, preparing, or implementing recruiting or retention programs.
  • Confer with management to develop or implement personnel policies or procedures.
  • Evaluate selection or testing techniques by conducting research or follow-up activities and conferring with management or supervisory personnel.
  • Prepare or maintain employment records related to events, such as hiring, termination, leaves, transfers, or promotions, using human resources management system software.
  • Provide management with information or training related to interviewing, performance appraisals, counseling techniques, or documentation of performance issues.
  • Select qualified job applicants or refer them to managers, making hiring recommendations when appropriate.

  • Discuss business strategies, practices, or policies with managers.
  • Interview employees, customers, or others to collect information.
  • Train personnel on managerial topics.