How do they match: Logistics Analysts

  • Operations Logistics Analyst

  • Apply analytic methods or tools to understand, predict, or control logistics operations or processes.
  • Maintain databases of logistics information.
  • Remotely monitor the flow of vehicles or inventory, using Web-based logistics information systems to track vehicles or containers.
  • Route or reroute drivers in real time with remote route navigation software, satellite linkup systems, or global positioning systems (GPS) to improve operational efficiencies.
  • Write or revise standard operating procedures for logistics processes.

  • Calculate data to inform organizational operations.
  • Coordinate logistics or other business operations.
  • Develop business or financial information systems.
  • Identify opportunities to improve operational efficiency.
  • Maintain data in information systems or databases.
  • Obtain information about goods or services.
  • Prepare operational reports.