How do they match: Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents

  • Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents

  • Certified Public Accountant
  • State and Local Tax Associate

  • Determine tax liability or collect taxes from individuals or business firms according to prescribed laws and regulations.

  • Secure a taxpayer's agreement to discharge a tax assessment or submit contested determinations to other administrative or judicial conferees for appeals hearings.
  • Check tax forms to verify that names and taxpayer identification numbers are correct, that computations have been performed correctly, or that amounts match those on supporting documentation.
  • Collect taxes from individuals or businesses according to prescribed laws and regulations.
  • Confer with taxpayers or their representatives to discuss the issues, laws, and regulations involved in returns, and to resolve problems with returns.
  • Review filed tax returns to determine whether claimed tax credits and deductions are allowed by law.