How do they match: Computer Systems Analysts

  • IT Manager
  • Information Technology Manager
  • Systems Manager

  • Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to develop and implement solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions, improve existing computer systems, and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and schedule limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software.

  • Consult with management to ensure agreement on system principles.
  • Expand or modify system to serve new purposes or improve work flow.
  • Read manuals, periodicals, and technical reports to learn how to develop programs that meet staff and user requirements.
  • Supervise computer programmers or other systems analysts or serve as project leaders for particular systems projects.
  • Use object-oriented programming languages, as well as client and server applications development processes and multimedia and Internet technology.

  • Manage information technology projects or system activities.
  • Collect data about customer needs.