How do they match: Computer Systems Analysts

  • Computer Systems Analysts

  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Systems Consultant
  • Computer Systems Design Analyst
  • Computer Systems Designer
  • Computer Systems Specialist
  • Computer Analyst
  • Computer Analyst Supervisor
  • Computer Architect
  • Computer Consultant
  • Computer Equipment Analyst
  • Computer Methods Analyst
  • Engineering Systems Analyst
  • Network Admin
  • Network Administrator
  • Systems Engineer
  • Systems Admin
  • Systems Administrator
  • Systems Analysis Specialist
  • Systems Analyst
  • Systems Architect
  • Systems Developer
  • Systems Integrator
  • Systems Manager
  • Applications Systems Analyst
  • Business Systems Analyst
  • Data Processing Systems Analyst
  • Data Processing Systems Consultant
  • Data Processing Systems Project Planner
  • Digital Computer Systems Analyst
  • Fiscal Systems Specialist
  • Health Systems Analyst
  • IT Systems Analyst
  • Information Systems Analyst
  • Information Systems Architect
  • Information Systems Auditor
  • Information Systems Consultant
  • Information Systems Planner
  • Information Systems Specialist
  • Information Technology Systems Analyst
  • Scientific Systems Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Usability Engineer

  • Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to develop and implement solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions, improve existing computer systems, and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and schedule limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software.

  • Analyze information processing or computation needs and plan and design computer systems, using techniques such as structured analysis, data modeling, and information engineering.
  • Confer with clients regarding the nature of the information processing or computation needs a computer program is to address.
  • Consult with management to ensure agreement on system principles.
  • Coordinate and link the computer systems within an organization to increase compatibility so that information can be shared.
  • Define the goals of the system and devise flow charts and diagrams describing logical operational steps of programs.
  • Determine computer software or hardware needed to set up or alter systems.
  • Develop, document, and revise system design procedures, test procedures, and quality standards.
  • Expand or modify system to serve new purposes or improve work flow.
  • Prepare cost-benefit and return-on-investment analyses to aid in decisions on system implementation.
  • Provide staff and users with assistance solving computer-related problems, such as malfunctions and program problems.
  • Review and analyze computer printouts and performance indicators to locate code problems, and correct errors by correcting codes.
  • Specify inputs accessed by the system and plan the distribution and use of the results.
  • Supervise computer programmers or other systems analysts or serve as project leaders for particular systems projects.
  • Test, maintain, and monitor computer programs and systems, including coordinating the installation of computer programs and systems.
  • Train staff and users to work with computer systems and programs.
  • Troubleshoot program and system malfunctions to restore normal functioning.
  • Use the computer in the analysis and solution of business problems, such as development of integrated production and inventory control and cost analysis systems.

  • Configure computer networks.
  • Design integrated computer systems.
  • Develop diagrams or flow charts of system operation.
  • Manage information technology projects or system activities.
  • Monitor computer system performance to ensure proper operation.
  • Provide recommendations to others about computer hardware.
  • Train others in computer interface or software use.
  • Troubleshoot issues with computer applications or systems.
  • Write computer programming code.