How do they match: Web Developers

  • Technology Applications Engineer

  • Evaluate code to ensure that it is valid, is properly structured, meets industry standards, and is compatible with browsers, devices, or operating systems.
  • Install and configure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) servers and associated operating systems.
  • Maintain understanding of current Web technologies or programming practices through continuing education, reading, or participation in professional conferences, workshops, or groups.
  • Provide clear, detailed descriptions of Web site specifications, such as product features, activities, software, communication protocols, programming languages, and operating systems software and hardware.
  • Research, document, rate, or select alternatives for Web architecture or technologies.

  • Collaborate with others to resolve information technology issues.
  • Conduct research to gain information about products or processes.
  • Create electronic data backup to prevent loss of information.
  • Develop computer or information security policies or procedures.
  • Develop diagrams or flow charts of system operation.
  • Develop models of information or communications systems.
  • Evaluate utility of software or hardware technologies.
  • Implement security measures for computer or information systems.
  • Monitor the security of digital information.
  • Recommend changes to improve computer or information systems.
  • Update knowledge about emerging industry or technology trends.