How do they match: Web and Digital Interface Designers

  • Web and Digital Interface Designers

  • Graphics Designer
  • Web Design Specialist
  • Web Designer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Web Applications Developer
  • Web Architect
  • Web Consultant
  • Web Content Developer
  • Web Content Specialist
  • Web Developer
  • Web Engineer
  • Web Page Developer
  • Web Producer
  • Web Programmer
  • Web Site Designer
  • Web Site Developer
  • Web Site Specialist
  • Web Software Engineer
  • Web Specialist
  • Web Technician
  • Webmaster
  • Webmaster Analyst
  • Website Manager
  • Websphere Administrator
  • Computer Graphic Designer
  • Computer Graphic Artist
  • Digital Designer
  • Front End Web Developer
  • Interface Designer
  • Internet Site Designer
  • PHP Web Developer
  • PHP Website Developer
  • Personal Home Page Web Developer
  • Personal Home Page Website Developer
  • UI Designer
  • UI/UX Designer
  • UX Designer
  • User Experience Designer
  • User Interface Designer
  • User Interface and User Experience Designer

  • Design digital user interfaces or websites. Develop and test layouts, interfaces, functionality, and navigation menus to ensure compatibility and usability across browsers or devices. May use web framework applications as well as client-side code and processes. May evaluate web design following web and accessibility standards, and may analyze web use metrics and optimize websites for marketability and search engine ranking. May design and test interfaces that facilitate the human-computer interaction and maximize the usability of digital devices, websites, and software with a focus on aesthetics and design. May create graphics used in websites and manage website content and links.

  • Design, build, or maintain Web sites, using authoring or scripting languages, content creation tools, management tools, and digital media.
  • Collaborate with web development professionals, such as front-end or back-end developers, to complete the full scope of Web development projects.
  • Collaborate with management or users to develop e-commerce strategies and to integrate these strategies with Web sites.
  • Communicate with network personnel or Web site hosting agencies to address hardware or software issues affecting Web sites.
  • Conduct user research to determine design requirements and analyze user feedback to improve design quality.
  • Create Web models or prototypes that include physical, interface, logical, or data models.
  • Create searchable indices for Web page content.
  • Develop Web site maps, application models, image templates, or page templates that meet project goals, user needs, or industry standards.
  • Develop and document style guidelines for Web site content.
  • Develop new visual design concepts and modify concepts based on stakeholder feedback.
  • Develop or implement procedures for ongoing Web site revision.
  • Identify or maintain links to and from other Web sites and check links to ensure proper functioning.
  • Incorporate technical considerations into Web site design plans, such as budgets, equipment, performance requirements, or legal issues including accessibility and privacy.
  • Maintain understanding of current Web technologies or programming practices through continuing education, reading, or participation in professional conferences, workshops, or groups.
  • Perform Web site tests according to planned schedules, or after any Web site or product revision.
  • Perform or direct Web site updates.
  • Provide clear, detailed descriptions of Web site specifications, such as product features, activities, software, communication protocols, programming languages, and operating systems software and hardware.
  • Register Web sites with search engines to increase Web site traffic.
  • Research and apply innovative solutions for product design, visuals, and user experience to meet the needs of individual Web development projects.
  • Research, document, rate, or select alternatives for Web architecture or technologies.
  • Select programming languages, design tools, or applications.
  • Write and edit technical documentation for digital interface products and designs, such as user manuals, testing protocols, and reports.
  • Write supporting code for Web applications or Web sites.

  • Design websites or web applications.
  • Collaborate with others to determine design specifications or details.
  • Develop specifications or procedures for website development or maintenance.
  • Document design or development procedures.
  • Implement design or process improvements.
  • Prepare graphics or other visual representations of information.
  • Update website content.