How do they match: Blockchain Engineers

  • Blockchain Engineers

  • Engineer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Algorithm Engineer
  • Automation Engineer
  • Blockchain Engineer
  • Blockchain Software Engineer
  • Codebase Engineer
  • Firmware Engineer
  • Integration Engineer
  • Integration Solutions Engineer
  • Security Engineer
  • Technical Platform Engineer

  • Maintain and support distributed and decentralized blockchain-based networks or block-chain applications such as cryptocurrency exchange, payment processing, document sharing, and digital voting. Design and deploy secure block-chain design patterns and solutions over geographically distributed networks using advanced technologies. May assist with infrastructure setup and testing for application transparency and security.

  • Automate the deployment of software updates over geographically distributed network nodes.
  • Discuss and plan systems with solution architects, system engineers, or cybersecurity experts to meet customer requirements.
  • Discuss data needs with engineers, product managers, or data scientists to identify blockchain requirements.
  • Run infrastructure tests to examine the behavior of large peer-to-peer networks.

  • Analyze security of systems, network, or data.
  • Design integrated computer systems.
  • Develop computer or information security policies or procedures.
  • Implement security measures for computer or information systems.
  • Install computer software.
  • Maintain computer equipment or software.
  • Test computer system operations to ensure proper functioning.
  • Write computer programming code.