How do they match: Computer Systems Engineers/Architects

  • Software Development Engineer
  • Systems Developer
  • Target Developer

  • Design and develop solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions.

  • Develop application-specific software.
  • Develop efficient and effective system controllers.
  • Develop or approve project plans, schedules, or budgets.
  • Develop system engineering, software engineering, system integration, or distributed system architectures.
  • Collaborate with engineers or software developers to select appropriate design solutions or ensure the compatibility of system components.
  • Direct the analysis, development, and operation of complete computer systems.
  • Perform security analyses of developed or packaged software components.
  • Provide technical guidance or support for the development or troubleshooting of systems.

  • Develop detailed project plans.
  • Develop guidelines for system implementation.
  • Develop models of information or communications systems.
  • Develop organizational goals or objectives.
  • Develop performance metrics or standards related to information technology.