How do they match: Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists

  • Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists

  • Engineer
  • Engineering Psychologist
  • Cognitive Engineer
  • Ergonomics Engineer
  • HMI Engineer
  • Human Factors Engineer
  • Human Machine Interface Engineer
  • Usability Engineer

  • Design objects, facilities, and environments to optimize human well-being and overall system performance, applying theory, principles, and data regarding the relationship between humans and respective technology. Investigate and analyze characteristics of human behavior and performance as it relates to the use of technology.

  • Advocate for end users in collaboration with other professionals, including engineers, designers, managers, or customers.
  • Design or evaluate human work systems, using human factors engineering and ergonomic principles to optimize usability, cost, quality, safety, or performance.
  • Prepare reports or presentations summarizing results or conclusions of human factors engineering or ergonomics activities, such as testing, investigation, or validation.
  • Provide human factors technical expertise on topics, such as advanced user-interface technology development or the role of human users in automated or autonomous sub-systems in advanced vehicle systems.

  • Create models of engineering designs or methods.
  • Research human performance or health factors related to engineering or design activities.