How do they match: Automotive Engineers

  • Systems Engineer
  • Automotive Systems Engineer
  • Powertrain Control Systems Engineer

  • Develop new or improved designs for vehicle structural members, engines, transmissions, or other vehicle systems, using computer-assisted design technology. Direct building, modification, or testing of vehicle or components.

  • Alter or modify designs to obtain specified functional or operational performance.
  • Calibrate vehicle systems, including control algorithms or other software systems.
  • Conduct or direct system-level automotive testing.
  • Create design alternatives for vehicle components, such as camless or dual-clutch engines or alternative air-conditioning systems, to increase fuel efficiency.
  • Design control systems or algorithms for purposes such as automotive energy management, emissions management, or increased operational safety or performance.
  • Design or analyze automobile systems in areas such as aerodynamics, alternate fuels, ergonomics, hybrid power, brakes, transmissions, steering, calibration, safety, or diagnostics.
  • Design vehicles that use lighter materials, such as aluminum, magnesium alloy, or plastic, to improve fuel efficiency.
  • Develop or implement operating methods or procedures.
  • Research computerized automotive applications, such as telemetrics, intelligent transportation systems, artificial intelligence, or automatic control.

  • Conduct quantitative failure analyses of operational data.
  • Design control systems for mechanical or other equipment.
  • Design electromechanical equipment or systems.
  • Determine operational criteria or specifications.
  • Estimate operational costs.
  • Evaluate characteristics of equipment or systems.
  • Maintain operational records or records systems.
  • Prepare operational reports.
  • Test performance of electrical, electronic, mechanical, or integrated systems or equipment.