How do they match: Animal Scientists

  • Animal Scientists

  • Animal Anatomist
  • Animal Behaviorist
  • Animal Biologist
  • Animal Breeder
  • Animal Geneticist
  • Animal Husbandman
  • Animal Nutrition Consultant
  • Animal Nutritionist
  • Animal Scientist
  • Companion Animal Nutritionist

  • Conduct research in the genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth, and development of domestic farm animals.

  • Advise producers about improved products and techniques that could enhance their animal production efforts.
  • Conduct research concerning animal nutrition, breeding, or management to improve products or processes.
  • Crossbreed animals with existing strains or cross strains to obtain new combinations of desirable characteristics.
  • Determine genetic composition of animal populations and heritability of traits, using principles of genetics.
  • Develop improved practices in feeding, housing, sanitation, or parasite and disease control of animals.
  • Research and control animal selection and breeding practices to increase production efficiency and improve animal quality.
  • Study effects of management practices, processing methods, feed, or environmental conditions on quality and quantity of animal products, such as eggs and milk.
  • Study nutritional requirements of animals and nutritive values of animal feed materials.

  • Perform animal breeding procedures.