How do they match: Atmospheric and Space Scientists

  • Atmospheric and Space Scientists

  • Science and Operations Officer
  • Atmospheric Scientist
  • Ocean Monitoring and Data Assimilation Scientist
  • Physical Scientist
  • Research Scientist
  • Space Scientist

  • Analyze historical climate information, such as precipitation or temperature records, to help predict future weather or climate trends.
  • Create visualizations to illustrate historical or future changes in the Earth's climate, using paleoclimate or climate geographic information systems (GIS) databases.
  • Prepare scientific atmospheric or climate reports, articles, or texts.
  • Teach college-level courses on topics such as atmospheric and space science, meteorology, or global climate change.

  • Collaborate on research activities with scientists or technical specialists.
  • Instruct college students in physical or life sciences.
  • Prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations.