How do they match: Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers

  • Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers

  • Advise construction firms or government agencies on dam or road construction, foundation design, land use, or resource management.
  • Develop strategies for more environmentally friendly resource extraction and reclamation.
  • Identify risks for natural disasters, such as mudslides, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions.
  • Locate and estimate probable natural gas, oil, or mineral ore deposits or underground water resources, using aerial photographs, charts, or research or survey results.
  • Prepare geological maps, cross-sectional diagrams, charts, or reports concerning mineral extraction, land use, or resource management, using results of fieldwork or laboratory research.

  • Develop plans to manage natural or renewable resources.
  • Locate natural resources using geospatial or other environmental data.