How do they match: Industrial-Organizational Psychologists

  • Human Resources Consultant
  • Human Resources Organizational Development Consultant
  • Human Resources Psychologist
  • Learning and OD Director
  • Learning and OD Manager
  • Learning and OD Specialist
  • Learning and Organizational Development Director
  • Learning and Organizational Development Manager
  • Learning and Organizational Development Specialist
  • OD and Learning Director
  • OD and Training Specialist
  • Organizational Development and Learning Director
  • Organizational Development and Training Specialist

  • Apply principles of psychology to human resources, administration, management, sales, and marketing problems. Activities may include policy planning; employee testing and selection, training, and development; and organizational development and analysis. May work with management to organize the work setting to improve worker productivity.

  • Study organizational effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency, including the nature of workplace supervision and leadership.
  • Train clients to administer human resources functions, including testing, selection, and performance management.