How do they match: Social Science Research Assistants

  • Social Science Research Assistants

  • Research Aide
  • Research Analyst
  • Research Assistant
  • Research Associate
  • Research Data Analyst
  • Research Interviewer
  • Research Scientist
  • Research Specialist
  • Research Technician
  • Bilingual Research Interviewer
  • Clinical Research Assistant
  • Economic Research Assistant
  • Economist Research Assistant
  • Graduate Research Assistant
  • Historian Research Assistant
  • Market Research Interviewer
  • Political Science Research Assistant
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • Psychologist Research Assistant
  • Social Research Assistant
  • Social Science Research Analyst
  • Sociology Research Assistant
  • UX Research Assistant
  • User Experience Research Assistant

  • Assist social scientists in laboratory, survey, and other social science research. May help prepare findings for publication and assist in laboratory analysis, quality control, or data management.

  • Develop and implement research quality control procedures.
  • Administer standardized tests to research subjects, or interview them to collect research data.
  • Conduct internet-based and library research.
  • Edit and submit protocols and other required research documentation.
  • Obtain informed consent of research subjects or their guardians.
  • Perform needs assessments or consult with clients to determine the types of research and information required.
  • Prepare tables, graphs, fact sheets, and written reports summarizing research results.
  • Present research findings to groups of people.
  • Recruit and schedule research participants.
  • Track research participants, and perform any necessary follow-up tasks.

  • Develop methods of social or economic research.
  • Develop software or applications for scientific or technical use.
  • Develop technical or scientific databases.
  • Conduct research on social issues.
  • Plan social sciences research.
  • Record research or operational data.