How do they match: Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors

  • Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors

  • Education Coordinator
  • Education Counselor
  • Educational Advisor
  • Educational Consultant
  • Educational Guidance Counselor
  • Educator
  • Career Developer
  • Career Development Consultant
  • Career Development Counselor
  • Career Development Director
  • Career Development Facilitator
  • Career Development Specialist
  • Job Developer
  • Offender Workforce Development Program Manager
  • Offender Workforce Development Specialist
  • Student Development Advisor

  • Advise and assist students and provide educational and vocational guidance services.

  • Attend meetings, educational conferences, and training workshops, and serve on committees.
  • Collaborate with teachers and administrators in the development, evaluation, and revision of school programs and in the preparation of master schedules for curriculum offerings.
  • Compile and study occupational, educational, and economic information to assist counselees in determining and carrying out vocational and educational objectives.
  • Counsel individuals or groups to help them understand and overcome personal, social, or behavioral problems affecting their educational or vocational situations.
  • Counsel students regarding educational issues, such as course and program selection, class scheduling and registration, school adjustment, truancy, study habits, and career planning.
  • Instruct individuals in career development techniques, such as job search and application strategies, resume writing, and interview skills.
  • Interview clients to obtain information about employment history, educational background, and career goals, and to identify barriers to employment.
  • Observe students during classroom and play activities to evaluate students' performance, behavior, social development, and physical health.
  • Prepare students for later educational experiences by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and to persevere with challenging tasks.
  • Refer students to degree programs based on interests, aptitudes, or educational assessments.
  • Teach classes and present self-help or information sessions on subjects related to education and career planning.

  • Develop educational policies.
  • Develop educational programs.
  • Develop working relationships with others to facilitate program activities.
  • Advise others on social or educational issues.
  • Assess individual or community needs for educational or social services.
  • Collaborate with other professionals to develop education or assistance programs.
  • Counsel clients regarding educational or vocational issues.
  • Promote educational institutions or programs.
  • Refer individuals to educational or work programs.