How do they match: Producers and Directors

  • Producers and Directors

  • Digital Producer
  • Digital Media Producer
  • Digital Media Manager
  • Multimedia Producer
  • Producer
  • Production Director
  • Production Manager
  • Production Stage Manager
  • Production Supervisor
  • TV Producer
  • TV Director
  • TV News Producer
  • TV Newscast Director
  • TV Program Director
  • TV Technical Director
  • Animation Producer
  • Broadcast Producer
  • Broadcast News Producer
  • Content Producer
  • Creative Producer
  • Executive Producer
  • Film Producer
  • Independent Video Producer
  • Line Producer
  • Media Producer
  • Morning News Producer
  • Morning Show Newscast Producer
  • Movie Producer
  • Moving Picture Producer
  • Music Producer
  • Music Video Producer
  • News Producer
  • News Production Supervisor
  • Newscast Producer
  • Podcast Producer
  • Promotions Producer
  • Radio Producer
  • Television Producer
  • Television News Producer
  • Theater Company Producer
  • Video Producer

  • Produce or direct stage, television, radio, video, or film productions for entertainment, information, or instruction. Responsible for creative decisions, such as interpretation of script, choice of actors or guests, set design, sound, special effects, and choreography.

  • Arrange financing for productions.
  • Compile scripts, program notes, and other material related to productions.
  • Conduct meetings with staff to discuss production progress and to ensure production objectives are attained.
  • Confer with technical directors, managers, crew members, and writers to discuss details of production, such as photography, script, music, sets, and costumes.
  • Consult with writers, producers, or actors about script changes or "workshop" scripts, through rehearsal with writers and actors to create final drafts.
  • Coordinate the activities of writers, directors, managers, and other personnel throughout the production process.
  • Develop marketing plans for finished products, collaborating with sales associates to supervise product distribution.
  • Identify and approve equipment and elements required for productions, such as scenery, lights, props, costumes, choreography, and music.
  • Negotiate with parties, including independent producers and the distributors and broadcasters who will be handling completed productions.
  • Research production topics using the internet, video archives, and other informational sources.
  • Resolve personnel problems that arise during the production process by acting as liaisons between dissenting parties when necessary.
  • Review film, recordings, or rehearsals to ensure conformance to production and broadcast standards.
  • Select plays, scripts, books, news content, or ideas to be produced.

  • Collaborate with others to determine technical details of productions.
  • Collaborate with others to prepare or perform artistic productions.
  • Coordinate activities of production personnel.
  • Coordinate logistics for productions or events.
  • Determine technical requirements of productions or projects.
  • Direct productions or performances.
  • Discuss production content and progress with others.