How do they match: Broadcast Announcers and Radio Disc Jockeys

  • Information Technology Network Analyst
  • Information Technology Network Manager

  • Operate control consoles.
  • Announce musical selections, station breaks, commercials, or public service information, and accept requests from listening audience.
  • Attend press conferences to gather information for broadcast.
  • Keep daily program logs to provide information on all elements aired during broadcast, such as musical selections and station promotions.
  • Prepare and deliver news, sports, or weather reports, gathering and rewriting material so that it will convey required information and fit specific time slots.
  • Read news flashes to inform audiences of important events.
  • Study background information to prepare for programs or interviews.

  • Inform viewers, listeners, or audiences.
  • Operate communications, transmissions, or broadcasting equipment.
  • Operate control consoles for sound, lighting or video.
  • Gather information for news stories.
  • Organize informational materials.