How do they match: Editors

  • Publication Editor
  • Publications Editor
  • Editing Computer Publisher
  • Scientific Publications Editor

  • Plan, coordinate, revise, or edit written material. May review proposals and drafts for possible publication.

  • Direct the policies and departments of newspapers, magazines and other publishing establishments.
  • Make manuscript acceptance or revision recommendations to the publisher.
  • Oversee publication production, including artwork, layout, computer typesetting, and printing, ensuring adherence to deadlines and budget requirements.
  • Plan the contents of publications according to the publication's style, editorial policy, and publishing requirements.
  • Read copy or proof to detect and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and syntax.
  • Read, evaluate and edit manuscripts or other materials submitted for publication, and confer with authors regarding changes in content, style or organization, or publication.
  • Review and approve proofs submitted by composing room prior to publication production.

  • Design layouts for print publications.