How do they match: Sound Engineering Technicians

  • Producer
  • Audio Digital Signal Processor Engineer
  • Music Producer

  • Assemble and operate equipment to record, synchronize, mix, edit, or reproduce sound, including music, voices, or sound effects, for theater, video, film, television, podcasts, sporting events, and other productions.

  • Confer with producers, performers, and others to determine and achieve the desired sound for a production, such as a musical recording or a film.
  • Convert video and audio recordings into digital formats for editing or archiving.
  • Create musical instrument digital interface programs for music projects, commercials, or film postproduction.
  • Synchronize and equalize prerecorded dialogue, music, and sound effects with visual action of motion pictures or television productions, using control consoles.

  • Collaborate with others to determine technical details of productions.
  • Convert data among multiple digital or analog formats.
  • Maintain logs of production activities.