How do they match: Film and Video Editors

  • Film and Video Editors

  • Film Editor
  • Film Editor Supervisor

  • Edit moving images on film, video, or other media. May work with a producer or director to organize images for final production. May edit or synchronize soundtracks with images.

  • Conduct film screenings for directors and members of production staffs.
  • Determine the specific audio and visual effects and music necessary to complete films.
  • Develop post-production models for films.
  • Edit films and videotapes to insert music, dialogue, and sound effects, to arrange films into sequences, and to correct errors, using editing equipment.
  • Piece sounds together to develop film soundtracks.
  • Review assembled films or edited videotapes on screens or monitors to determine if corrections are necessary.
  • Supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in film editing, assembling, and recording activities.
  • Trim film segments to specified lengths and reassemble segments in sequences that present stories with maximum effect.

  • Manage content of broadcasts or presentations.
  • Operate communications, transmissions, or broadcasting equipment.