How do they match: Veterinarians

  • Animal Anatomist
  • Animal Chiropractor
  • Animal Doctor
  • Animal Pathologist
  • Animal Physiologist
  • Animal Surgeon
  • Companion Animal Practitioner
  • Lab Animal Care Vet
  • Laboratory Animal Care Veterinarian
  • Large Animal Vet
  • Large Animal Veterinarian
  • Mixed Animal Vet
  • Mixed Animal Veterinarian
  • Small Animal Vet
  • Small Animal Veterinarian

  • Diagnose, treat, or research diseases and injuries of animals. Includes veterinarians who conduct research and development, inspect livestock, or care for pets and companion animals.

  • Advise animal owners regarding sanitary measures, feeding, general care, medical conditions, or treatment options.
  • Conduct postmortem studies and analyses to determine the causes of animals' deaths.
  • Determine the effects of drug therapies, antibiotics, or new surgical techniques by testing them on animals.
  • Direct the overall operations of animal hospitals, clinics, or mobile services to farms.
  • Educate the public about diseases that can be spread from animals to humans.
  • Establish or conduct quarantine or testing procedures that prevent the spread of diseases to other animals or to humans and that comply with applicable government regulations.
  • Euthanize animals.
  • Examine animals to detect and determine the nature of diseases or injuries.
  • Inoculate animals against various diseases, such as rabies or distemper.
  • Inspect and test horses, sheep, poultry, or other animals to detect the presence of communicable diseases.
  • Plan or execute animal nutrition or reproduction programs.
  • Provide care to a wide range of animals or specialize in a particular species, such as horses or exotic birds.
  • Research diseases to which animals could be susceptible.
  • Train or supervise workers who handle or care for animals.
  • Treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds, or performing surgery.

  • Provide care for animals.
  • Treat animal injuries or illnesses.