How do they match: Ophthalmic Medical Technologists

  • Ophthalmic Medical Technologists

  • Angiography Technologist
  • Certified Ophthalmic Technologist
  • Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist
  • Instructional Technologist
  • Medical Technologist
  • Ocular Care Technologist
  • Ophthalmic Technologist
  • Ophthalmic Medical Technologist
  • Optometric Technologist

  • Call patients to inquire about their post-operative status or recovery.
  • Collect ophthalmic measurements or other diagnostic information, using ultrasound equipment, such as A-scan ultrasound biometry or B-scan ultrasonography equipment.

  • Operate diagnostic imaging equipment.
  • Operate diagnostic or therapeutic medical instruments or equipment.
  • Collect medical information from patients, family members, or other medical professionals.
  • Communicate detailed medical information to patients or family members.