How do they match: Orderlies

  • Transport Aide
  • Transportation Aide
  • Transporter
  • Transporter PRN
  • Transporter Pro Re Nata
  • Health Service Worker
  • Medical Transporter
  • Patient Transport Aide
  • Patient Transport Orderly
  • Patient Transporter
  • Radiology Transporter

  • Transport patients to areas such as operating rooms or x-ray rooms using wheelchairs, stretchers, or moveable beds. May maintain stocks of supplies or clean and transport equipment. Psychiatric orderlies are included in Psychiatric Aides.

  • Transport bodies to the morgue.
  • Transport patients to treatment units, testing units, operating rooms, or other areas, using wheelchairs, stretchers, or moveable beds.
  • Transport portable medical equipment or medical supplies between rooms or departments.
  • Transport specimens, laboratory items, or pharmacy items, ensuring proper documentation and delivery to authorized personnel.
  • Collect and transport infectious or hazardous waste in closed containers for sterilization or disposal, in accordance with applicable law, standards, or policies.
  • Lift or assist others to lift patients to move them on or off beds, examination tables, surgical tables, or stretchers.

  • Transport biological or other medical materials.