How do they match: Detectives and Criminal Investigators

  • Detectives and Criminal Investigators

  • Child Support Officer
  • Drug Enforcement Administration Agent
  • Identification Officer
  • Intelligence Officer
  • Investigation Officer
  • Parking Enforcement Officer
  • Police Officer

  • Block or rope off scene and check perimeter to ensure that entire scene is secured.
  • Collaborate with other offices and agencies to exchange information and coordinate activities.
  • Notify, or request notification of, medical examiner or district attorney representative.
  • Obtain summary of incident from officer in charge at crime scene, taking care to avoid disturbing evidence.
  • Organize scene search, assigning specific tasks and areas of search to individual officers and obtaining adequate lighting as necessary.
  • Question individuals or observe persons and establishments to confirm information given to patrol officers.
  • Record progress of investigation, maintain informational files on suspects, and submit reports to commanding officer or magistrate to authorize warrants.
  • Secure deceased body and obtain evidence from it, preventing bystanders from tampering with it prior to medical examiner's arrival.
  • Summon medical help for injured individuals and alert medical personnel to take statements from them.