How do they match: Customs and Border Protection Officers

  • Customs and Border Protection Officers

  • Customs and Border Patrol Agent
  • Customs and Border Protection Officer
  • US Customs and Border Officer
  • US Customs and Border Protection Officer

  • Investigate and inspect persons, common carriers, goods, and merchandise, arriving in or departing from the United States or between states to detect violations of immigration and customs laws and regulations.

  • Detain persons found to be in violation of customs or immigration laws and arrange for legal action, such as deportation.
  • Inspect cargo, baggage, and personal articles entering or leaving U.S. for compliance with revenue laws and U.S. customs regulations.
  • Institute civil and criminal prosecutions and cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of those in violation of immigration or customs laws.
  • Interpret and explain laws and regulations to travelers, prospective immigrants, shippers, and manufacturers.

  • Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to share information.
  • Inform others about laws or regulations.