How do they match: Transit and Railroad Police

  • Transit and Railroad Police

  • Law Enforcement Officer
  • Public Transit Specialist
  • Secured Entrance Monitor
  • Railroad Safety Specialist

  • Apprehend or remove trespassers or thieves from railroad property or coordinate with law enforcement agencies in apprehensions and removals.
  • Direct security activities at derailments, fires, floods, or strikes involving railroad property.
  • Direct or coordinate the daily activities or training of security staff.
  • Enforce traffic laws regarding the transit system and reprimand individuals who violate them.
  • Examine credentials of unauthorized persons attempting to enter secured areas.
  • Monitor transit areas and conduct security checks to protect railroad properties, patrons, and employees.
  • Plan or implement special safety or preventive programs, such as fire or accident prevention.
  • Provide training to the public or law enforcement personnel in railroad safety or security.

  • Collaborate with law enforcement or security agencies to respond to incidents.
  • Develop fire safety or prevention programs or plans.
  • Direct law enforcement activities.
  • Direct security operations.
  • Patrol properties to maintain safety.
  • Provide safety training.