How do they match: Animal Trainers

  • Animal Trainers

  • Trainer
  • Animal Trainer
  • Dog Trainer
  • Dolphin Trainer
  • Equestrian Trainer
  • Guide Dog Trainer
  • Hearing Dog Trainer
  • Horse Trainer
  • Lion Trainer
  • Marine Animal Trainer
  • Marine Mammal Trainer
  • Monkey Trainer
  • Obedience Trainer
  • Pet Trainer
  • Pet Training Instructor
  • Racehorse Trainer
  • Seeing Eye Dog Trainer
  • Service Dog Trainer
  • Show Dog Trainer
  • Whale Trainer

  • Train animals for riding, harness, security, performance, or obedience, or for assisting persons with disabilities. Accustom animals to human voice and contact, and condition animals to respond to commands. Train animals according to prescribed standards for show or competition. May train animals to carry pack loads or work as part of pack team.

  • Train dogs in human assistance or property protection duties.
  • Train horses or other equines for riding, harness, show, racing, or other work, using knowledge of breed characteristics, training methods, performance standards, and the peculiarities of each animal.
  • Conduct training programs to develop or maintain desired animal behaviors for competition, entertainment, obedience, security, riding, or related purposes.
  • Evaluate animals for trainability and ability to perform.
  • Evaluate animals to determine their temperaments, abilities, or aptitude for training.

  • Train animals.
  • Evaluate capabilities or training needs.