How do they match: Advertising Sales Agents

  • Digital Advertising Sales Rep
  • Digital Advertising Sales Representative
  • Radio and Television Time Sales Representative
  • Signs and Displays Sales Representative
  • Signs and Displays Salesperson

  • Sell or solicit advertising space, time, or media in publications, signage, TV, radio, or Internet establishments or public spaces.

  • Attend sales meetings, industry trade shows, and training seminars to gather information, promote products, expand network of contacts, and increase knowledge.
  • Explain to customers how specific types of advertising will help promote their products or services in the most effective way possible.
  • Identify new advertising markets, and propose products to serve them.
  • Obtain and study information about clients' products, needs, problems, advertising history, and business practices to offer effective sales presentations and appropriate product assistance.
  • Provide clients with estimates of the costs of advertising products or services.

  • Contact current or potential customers to promote products or services.
  • Explain technical product or service information to customers.
  • Gather customer or product information to determine customer needs.
  • Negotiate sales or lease agreements for products or services.
  • Study product information to acquire professional knowledge.