How do they match: First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers

  • Operations Manager
  • Operations Supervisor
  • Operators School Manager
  • Central Office Operator Supervisor
  • Central Office Telephone Operators Supervisor
  • Computer Operations Supervisor
  • Control Board Operator
  • Group Operator
  • Keypunch Operators Supervisor
  • Proof Machine Operator Supervisor
  • Switchboard Operator Supervisor
  • Telegraphic Typewriter Operators Supervisor
  • Telephone Information Supervisor
  • Telephone Operators Supervisor
  • Transcribing Operators Supervisor
  • Travel Information Center Supervisor

  • Keep informed of provisions of labor-management agreements and their effects on departmental operations.
  • Research, compile, and prepare reports, manuals, correspondence, or other information required by management or governmental agencies.

  • Analyze financial information.
  • Coordinate operational activities.
  • Provide information to coworkers.
  • Record personnel information.