How do they match: Billing and Posting Clerks

  • Billing and Posting Clerks

  • Services Clerk
  • Operations Clerk
  • Account Services Representative
  • Accounting Machine Operator
  • Accounts Service Rep
  • Accounts Service Representative
  • Accounts Services Rep
  • Adding Machine Operator
  • Audit Machine Operator
  • Calculator Operator
  • Comptometer Operator
  • Delivery Service Pricer
  • EAM Operator
  • Electric Accounting Machine Operator
  • Invoice Machine Operator
  • Message Service Pricer
  • Patient Service Rep
  • Patient Service Representative
  • Payroll Machine Operator
  • Post Tronic Machine Operator
  • Posting Machine Operator
  • Proof Machine Operator
  • Reconciliation Machine Operator
  • Statement Services Rep
  • Statement Services Representative
  • Telegraph Service Rater

  • Compile, compute, and record billing, accounting, statistical, and other numerical data for billing purposes. Prepare billing invoices for services rendered or for delivery or shipment of goods.

  • Operate typing, adding, calculating, or billing machines.
  • Compute credit terms, discounts, shipment charges, or rates for goods or services to complete billing documents.
  • Monitor equipment to ensure proper operation.
  • Perform bookkeeping work, including posting data or keeping other records concerning costs of goods or services or the shipment of goods.
  • Prepare itemized statements, bills, or invoices and record amounts due for items purchased or services rendered.
  • Review compiled data on operating costs and revenues to set rates.
  • Track accumulated hours and dollar amounts charged to each client job to calculate client fees for professional services, such as legal or accounting services.

  • Operate office equipment.
  • Calculate costs of goods or services.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.