How do they match: Billing and Posting Clerks

  • Operations Clerk
  • Accounting Machine Operator
  • Adding Machine Operator
  • Audit Machine Operator
  • Calculator Operator
  • Comptometer Operator
  • EAM Operator
  • Electric Accounting Machine Operator
  • Invoice Machine Operator
  • Payroll Machine Operator
  • Post Tronic Machine Operator
  • Posting Machine Operator
  • Proof Machine Operator
  • Reconciliation Machine Operator

  • Operate typing, adding, calculating, or billing machines.
  • Consult sources, such as rate books, manuals, or insurance company representatives, to determine specific charges or information such as rules, regulations, or government tax and tariff information.
  • Contact customers to obtain or relay account information.
  • Monitor equipment to ensure proper operation.
  • Review compiled data on operating costs and revenues to set rates.
  • Verify signatures and required information on checks.

  • Operate office equipment.
  • Analyze financial information.
  • Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Maintain office equipment in proper operating condition.
  • Monitor equipment operation to ensure proper functioning.
  • Prepare informational or reference materials.
  • Provide information to coworkers.
  • Search files, databases or reference materials to obtain needed information.