How do they match: Court, Municipal, and License Clerks

  • Court, Municipal, and License Clerks

  • Law Clerk

  • Perform clerical duties for courts of law, municipalities, or governmental licensing agencies and bureaus. May prepare docket of cases to be called; secure information for judges and court; prepare draft agendas or bylaws for town or city council; answer official correspondence; keep fiscal records and accounts; issue licenses or permits; and record data, administer tests, or collect fees.

  • Answer inquiries from the general public regarding judicial procedures, court appearances, trial dates, adjournments, outstanding warrants, summonses, subpoenas, witness fees, or payment of fines.
  • Answer questions or provide advice to the public regarding licensing policies, procedures, or regulations.
  • Examine legal documents submitted to courts for adherence to laws or court procedures.
  • Issue public notification of all official activities or meetings.
  • Research information in the municipal archives upon request of public officials or private citizens.
  • Respond to requests for information from the public, other municipalities, state officials, or state and federal legislative offices.

  • Provide information to the general public.