How do they match: Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks

  • Customer Services Coordinator
  • Customer Supply Coordinator
  • Service Control Operator
  • Service Coordinator
  • Service Liaison Rep
  • Service Liaison Representative
  • Service Order Expeditor
  • General Manager
  • Inventory Management Specialist
  • Materials Man
  • PC Manager
  • Print Traffic Manager
  • Production Manager
  • Production Control Manager
  • Production Planning Manager

  • Compile information, such as production rates and progress, materials inventories, materials used, or customer information, so that status reports can be completed.
  • Confer with establishment personnel, vendors, or customers to coordinate production or shipping activities and to resolve complaints or eliminate delays.
  • Revise production schedules when required due to design changes, labor or material shortages, backlogs, or other interruptions, collaborating with management, marketing, sales, production, or engineering.

  • Calculate costs of goods or services.