How do they match: Production, Planning, and Expediting Clerks

  • Operations Agent
  • Operations Coordinator
  • Operations Specialist
  • Control Tower Operator
  • Flight Information Expediter
  • Service Control Operator
  • Tower Operator

  • Compile information, such as production rates and progress, materials inventories, materials used, or customer information, so that status reports can be completed.
  • Establish and prepare product construction directions and locations and information on required tools, materials, equipment, numbers of workers needed, and cost projections.
  • Provide documentation and information to account for delays, difficulties, or changes to cost estimates.

  • Coordinate operational activities.
  • Maintain operational records.
  • Prepare informational or reference materials.
  • Provide information to coworkers.
  • Record personnel information.
  • Record production information.
  • Schedule operational activities.