How do they match: Insurance Claims and Policy Processing Clerks

  • Process new insurance policies, modifications to existing policies, and claims forms. Obtain information from policyholders to verify the accuracy and completeness of information on claims forms, applications and related documents, and company records. Update existing policies and company records to reflect changes requested by policyholders and insurance company representatives.

  • Compare information from application to criteria for policy reinstatement, and approve reinstatement when criteria are met.
  • Contact insured or other involved persons to obtain missing information.
  • Correspond with insured or agent to obtain information or to inform them of account status or changes.
  • Enter insurance- and claims-related information into database systems.
  • Interview clients and take their calls to provide customer service and obtain information on claims.
  • Post or attach information to claim file.

  • Answer telephones to direct calls or provide information.
  • Enter information into databases or software programs.
  • Interview employees, customers, or others to collect information.
  • Obtain personal or financial information about customers or applicants.
  • Provide information to coworkers.
  • Review customer insurance information.
  • Send information, materials or documentation.