How do they match: Proofreaders and Copy Markers

  • Proofreaders and Copy Markers

  • Read transcript or proof type setup to detect and mark for correction any grammatical, typographical, or compositional errors. Excludes workers whose primary duty is editing copy. Includes proofreaders of braille.

  • Correct or record omissions, errors, or inconsistencies found.
  • Consult reference books or secure aid of readers to check references with rules of grammar and composition.
  • Mark copy to indicate and correct errors in type, arrangement, grammar, punctuation, or spelling, using standard printers' marks.
  • Read corrected copies or proofs to ensure that all corrections have been made.
  • Route proofs with marked corrections to authors, editors, typists, or typesetters for correction or reprinting.

  • Report news to the public.