How do they match: First-Line Supervisors of Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Workers

  • Agriculture Manager
  • Agronomy Manager
  • Agronomy Location Manager
  • Animal Shelter Manager
  • Barn Manager
  • Bison Herd Manager
  • Brood Hatchery Manager
  • Cattle Manager
  • Christmas Tree Farm Manager
  • Distillery Manager
  • Facility Manager
  • Farm Manager
  • Farrowing Manager
  • Feed Manager
  • Fish Hatchery Manager
  • Fisheries Manager
  • Game Preserve Manager
  • Harvest Manager
  • Hatchery Manager
  • Horse Farm Manager
  • Kennel Manager
  • Marine Site Manager
  • Materials Management Supervisor
  • Operations Manager
  • Orchard Manager
  • Pest Management Supervisor
  • Production Manager
  • Sow Manager
  • Sow Farm Manager
  • Vivarium Manager
  • Wildlife Manager

  • Communicate with forestry personnel regarding forest harvesting or forest management plans, procedures, or schedules.
  • Confer with managers to determine production requirements, conditions of equipment and supplies, and work schedules.
  • Confer with managers to evaluate weather or soil conditions, to develop plans or procedures, or to discuss issues such as changes in fertilizers, herbicides, or cultivating techniques.
  • Observe animals for signs of illness, injury, or unusual behavior, notifying veterinarians or managers as warranted.
  • Perform both supervisory and management functions, such as accounting, marketing, and personnel work.
  • Read inventory records, customer orders, or shipping schedules to determine required activities.

  • Confer with managers to make operational decisions.