How do they match: Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters

  • Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters

  • Mechanic
  • Aircraft Hydraulic Mechanic
  • Aircraft Hydraulic Equipment Mechanic
  • Aircraft Plumbing Mechanic
  • Diesel Engine Pipefitter
  • Fire Hydrant Mechanic
  • Heating Mechanic
  • Plumbing Mechanic
  • Residential Mechanical Systems Installer
  • Ship and Boat Coppersmith
  • Ship and Boat Pipe Fitter
  • Soft Water Mechanic
  • Water Mechanic

  • Assemble, install, alter, and repair pipelines or pipe systems that carry water, steam, air, or other liquids or gases. May install heating and cooling equipment and mechanical control systems. Includes sprinkler fitters.

  • Repair worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
  • Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.