How do they match: Loading and Moving Machine Operators, Underground Mining

  • Car Dropper
  • Car Dumper
  • Car Pincher
  • Mine Shuttle Car Operator
  • Monitor Car Operator
  • Ram Car Operator
  • Shuttle Car Operator

  • Operate underground loading or moving machine to load or move coal, ore, or rock using shuttle or mine car or conveyors. Equipment may include power shovels, hoisting engines equipped with cable-drawn scraper or scoop, or machines equipped with gathering arms and conveyor.

  • Advance machines to gather material and convey it into cars.
  • Control conveyors that run the entire length of shuttle cars to distribute loads as loading progresses.
  • Drive loaded shuttle cars to ramps and move controls to discharge loads into mine cars or onto conveyors.
  • Guide and stop cars by switching, applying brakes, or placing scotches, or wooden wedges, between wheels and rails.
  • Move mine cars into position for loading and unloading, using pinchbars inserted under car wheels to position cars under loading spouts.
  • Observe and record car numbers, carriers, customers, tonnages, and grades and conditions of material.
  • Operate levers to move conveyor booms or shovels so that mine contents such as coal, rock, and ore can be placed into cars or onto conveyors.
  • Push or ride cars down slopes, or hook cars to cables and control cable drum brakes, to ease cars down inclines.
  • Signal workers to move loaded cars.
  • Stop gathering arms when cars are full.