How do they match: Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers

  • Computer, Automated Teller, and Office Machine Repairers

  • Installer
  • Mechanic
  • Repair Technician
  • Accounting Machine Mechanic
  • Adding Machine Mechanic
  • Bookkeeping Machine Mechanic
  • Business Machine Mechanic
  • Calculating Machine Mechanic
  • Cash Register Mechanic
  • Computer Installer
  • Computer Mechanic
  • Computer Repair Engineer
  • Computer Repair Technician
  • Computer Repairer
  • Computer Equipment Installer
  • Computer Equipment Repairer
  • Computing Systems Mechanic
  • Copier and Printer Field Technician
  • Copying Machine Mechanic
  • Copying Machine Repairer
  • Data Processing Mechanic
  • Data Processing Equipment Repairer
  • Dictaphone Mechanic
  • Dictating Machine Mechanic
  • Duplicating Machine Mechanic
  • Electronics Mechanic
  • Electronics Computer Mechanic
  • Fax Machine Repairer
  • Mail Processing Equipment Mechanic
  • Office Equipment Installer
  • Office Machine Installer
  • Office Machine Mechanic
  • Office Machinery Installer
  • PC Repair Tech
  • Personal Computer Repair Technician
  • Photocopying Equipment Mechanic
  • Photocopying Equipment Repairer
  • Printer Repair Technician
  • Soundscriber Mechanic
  • Statistical Machine Mechanic
  • Tabulating Machine Mechanic
  • Transcribing Machine Mechanic
  • Typewriter Mechanic
  • Typewriter Repairer
  • Xerox Machine Mechanic

  • Repair, maintain, or install computers, word processing systems, automated teller machines, and electronic office machines, such as duplicating and fax machines.

  • Install and configure new equipment, including operating software or peripheral equipment.
  • Repair, adjust, or replace electrical or mechanical components or parts, using hand tools, power tools, or soldering or welding equipment.
  • Clean, oil, or adjust mechanical parts to maintain machines' operating efficiency and to prevent breakdowns.
  • Complete repair bills, shop records, time cards, or expense reports.
  • Maintain parts inventories and order any additional parts needed for repairs.
  • Maintain records of equipment maintenance work or repairs.
  • Operate machines to test functioning of parts or mechanisms.
  • Reassemble machines after making repairs or replacing parts.
  • Train new repairers.
  • Travel to customers' stores or offices to service machines or to provide emergency repair service.
  • Update existing equipment, performing tasks such as installing updated circuit boards or additional memory.

  • Install electrical components, equipment, or systems.
  • Install programs onto computer or computer-controlled equipment.
  • Repair worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
  • Assemble mechanical components or machine parts.
  • Clean equipment, parts, or tools to repair or maintain them in good working order.
  • Maintain repair or maintenance records.
  • Read technical information needed to perform maintenance or repairs.
  • Reassemble equipment after repair.
  • Replace worn, damaged, or defective mechanical parts.
  • Test mechanical equipment to ensure proper functioning.
  • Test mechanical systems to ensure proper functioning.
  • Travel to work sites to perform installation, repair or maintenance work.