How do they match: Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers

  • Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line Installers

  • Central Office Mechanic
  • Communication Equipment Mechanic
  • Electronics Mechanic
  • Equipment Mechanic
  • Exchange Mechanic
  • Install and Repair Technician
  • Instrument Mechanic
  • Manual Equipment Mechanic
  • PBX Mechanic
  • Plant and Equipment Worker
  • Private Branch Exchange Mechanic
  • Relay Mechanic
  • Service Engineer
  • Station Mechanic
  • Switchboard Mechanic
  • Telegraph Mechanic
  • Telegraph Printer Mechanic
  • Telegraph Repeater Mechanic
  • Telegraphic Typewriter Mechanic
  • Telephone Mechanic
  • Telephone Maintenance Mechanic
  • Teletype Mechanic
  • Toll Mechanic