How do they match: Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

  • Systems Mechanic
  • Environmental Control System Installer
  • Environmental Control System Servicer
  • Heating Systems Installer
  • Refrigeration Engineer
  • Refrigeration Systems Installer
  • Solar Energy System Installer

  • Install or repair heating, central air conditioning, HVAC, or refrigeration systems, including oil burners, hot-air furnaces, and heating stoves.

  • Adjust system controls to settings recommended by manufacturer to balance system.
  • Discuss heating or cooling system malfunctions with users to isolate problems or to verify that repairs corrected malfunctions.
  • Inspect and test systems to verify system compliance with plans and specifications or to detect and locate malfunctions.
  • Install dehumidifiers or related equipment for spaces that require cool, dry air to operate efficiently, such as computer rooms.
  • Install or repair air purification systems, such as specialized filters or ultraviolet (UV) light purification systems.
  • Repair or service heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to improve efficiency, such as by changing filters, cleaning ducts, and refilling non-toxic refrigerants.

  • Inspect systems to determine if they are operating properly.
  • Service heating, ventilation or air-conditioning (HVAC) systems or components.
  • Test mechanical systems to ensure proper functioning.